Matthew 10:7-8

"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."

Sunday, September 12, 2010


"NEAR MISS: How Northeast Ohio Avoided the Worst Tornado Damage"

At first there was nothing. I wasn't aware of any surroundings, or anything at all. In what was probably a fraction of a second that all changed. Suddenly brightness. I wasn't aware of the sun, but I knew that it was shining and in that fraction of a second I saw THEM.There were three of them and even though they were extremely high in the sky and quite a distance away, I knew what they were immediately. Three eagles, but seemingly larger, stronger and incredibly faster than any eagle I had ever seen before. In an instant they were closer and I could clearly see just how incredible these three creatures were. Eyes that were locked in on their destination and nothing in heaven or earth was going to distract them from reaching their target. Descriptions were instantly going off in my mind. STRENGTH......POWER......PURPOSE.....and their speed, their incredible speed. As I stood there stunned and in amazement, suddenly they were at eye level. I remember a gasp that turned into a deep breath. And...... suddenly, I was aware that my eyes were open and without thinking I snapped my neck around to where I knew those magnificent eagles were. In another fraction of a second they were gone, replaced by a bedroom wall.

Looking back, it's hard to even put into words as to what I was feeling in that moment. At first I described it as a dream and a vision. Now, even I wonder if it was both, or just one or the other. Even though I am sure that it started as a dream, it doesn't seem like my eyes were closed the entire time. I don't know how to explain that because I'm not even sure how I seem to know that. It's something that I have pondered in my heart ever since that morning in late May of this past spring. What I can tell you with clarity is what I began to experience next. The dream or vision (or both) was so incredibly real that I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breathing was deep and fast. As I lay there not even able to know what to think, the revelation came. It's amazing how within seconds the Holy Spirit can download so much, but yet it takes much longer to explain.

There have been many of us in this area that have believed for some time that the Holy Spirit is ready to explode in ways that haven't been seen. There have even been prophetic words about Cleveland and northeast Ohio regarding this very thing. At one church in Ashtabula County, Ohio, they tell of a Holy Spirit tsunami coming in off the lake. I, also have been praying for this with all my heart. Well, to borrow the phrase from another time in history the EAGLE has landed. God is always present where His kids abide and we always have the great Comforter living in us, but there is so much more that we can now tap into. Let there be no mistake, the Spirit of the Lord is hovering and pressing in. Good Kingdom stuff has already started to happen and will only increase. I would advise both believer and unbeliever to keep your eyes wide open. And there is plenty of Holy Spirit to go around. No matter where you live, no matter what nation you live in, join together as like minded believers, pressing in prayer and God will pour these things onto your community, also. I am personally aware of great things happening in Erie, Pa and Wilmington, NC and would would enjoy hearing not only from people in those places, but would like for anyone to tell of how God's workings are being witnessed and where they are happening. Use the comment section to encourage the many readers of this blog.

satan is upset that this is happening. He knows what is going on here. He knows we are being prepared for amazing things in these final days. He will try anything he can to disrupt and devour. Within two weeks of that dream/vision, I believe that one of those attempts to destroy was thwarted. God isn't here to play around. Now you will understand why I included the link to the article written by one of Cleveland's more well known meteorologists and why I am telling you of my dream/vision. Things in the natural are on a collision course with the spiritual, or supernatural realm. If you haven't clicked on that link, you need to now. Those storms and tornados were lined up to take us out, ensuring that we would become Fox News and CNN headlines. In the very last possible seconds the course of darkness changed. Natural events being played out in the supernatural. We might not see the battle being fought, but that doesn't take away from the fact that these types of battles are real. My favorite example in the Bible is in 2 Kings, chapter 6 beginning in verse 8. Syrian men of war suddenly blinded by Heaven's conquering forces. The Spirit Filled Life Bible refers to it as "The Invisible Realm and Victorious Warfare.

You may wonder why if my dream/vision happened in May and the storms were here in June why I am talking about it now. Well, yesterday in church I was reminded of the night when I saw those 3 eagles and I immediately sensed the Holy Spirit letting me know that it was time to talk about those two events. I think God wants us to be aware of His presence. Keep a sharp eye!!!

"The Invisible Realm and Victorious Warfare." Kind of sounds like a novel or a soon to be released movie, doesn't it? Guess what......the previews have already been shown!


Standing with you in the presence of the King,
Mark S.

(I would like to note that I have not overlooked the fact that Millbury, Ohio, to the west of Cleveland did suffer great damage and loss. I wish they had been spared, also. While the storms had only increased and could have brought even more widespread devastion to northeast Ohio which, I do believe was spared by the hand of God, none the less we must always recognize the fact that loss did occur and remember to pray for the families that were affected and for the area as a whole.)

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