Matthew 10:7-8

"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It's great to have you back here again! I really enjoy writing to you as well. Even though there is a great percentage of readers that I have never met and probably will never meet (at least until we experience the great crossover to Glory) I always feel a connection between us when I am writing. That connection, of course is the Holy Spirit. Because of Holy Spirit living in us, it's like He cuts down any distance in between. It's like I am right there with you and you with me.......right now. I've learned that when we pray for one another the Holy Spirit keeps us connected even though we might be states or even countries apart. It's one of those mysteries of God that you just want to be able to wrap your hands around. So anyway, it's good to hang out with you! It was my wife's birthday yesterday, so here...............have a piece of cake and sit at the table with me for awhile. There is a great verse or two from the Bible that I think we should talk about.

Just another thought before we get to that, though. As you and I grow in Christ and try to go deeper in our understanding of God and kingdom principles, let us not forget to love on other people. To do for other people. Inviting a struggling family or someone going through a really hard time over for dinner is a Jesus thing. Checking on a down and out neighbor on your street a little more often is being like Christ. Why did I use those examples? Because that's what the Holy Spirit nudged ME on this morning, reminding me that I can do better at loving others. This time of year we need to be especially aware of being ministers to others. What good does it do to reach for the deeper things of God, like we so often talk about here, if we aren't first simply loving people like Jesus did? The great Apostle Paul gives us a great talking to along these lines. And if you are one of those in a place of struggle as you read this, I am asking God to send someone or to release a ministering angel to come to your rescue.

It's hard to believe, but in less than two weeks we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. As we think about Jesus and His coming to earth, think about this with me. "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation." Listen to that again. "He is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE God..............." I read that verse in Colossians last week and something inside of me stirred. Then during praise and worship Sunday morning, God really messed with me (in a good way) and brought that verse back into my mind along with some random thoughts of........... the Kingdom of in Heaven, so on earth.......the spiritual realm........the kingdom is here, but the kingdom is also at hand.
In that moment and with that verse in my head it was like God was saying to me, "It's because of Jesus. Because you encounter Jesus that is why there is access to the things of Me that you can and cannot see," and then the word "key" clearly came into my thoughts and I was able to put it together. I talk so much about the invisible realm. Jesus is the key to all that. He is the IMAGE of the INVISIBLE God. When we receive Christ He brings with that the ability to access the things of heaven. I sensed that in a strong enough way that I felt I needed to mention this to our pastor in case it had significance for the church service. No sooner had I mentioned this to him and began to worship again when I had a very quick vision. It came and went within a second, or so it seemed. I actually saw myself with keys in hand unlocking the front door to our house and boy did I get it. When we go in and out of our houses we don't even think about reaching for the keys. We just do it out of instinct. Instant access. And that, my friend, is what Jesus did for us when he brought the things of His father with Him to earth. Sometimes we petition God for things that already belong to us. All we need to do is use our "key." We shouldn't even have to think about it. When our grown children come to visit they don't need to ask me if they can have a glass of milk or make a cup of tea. Those things are already here.....for them.....whenever they want them.

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," somehow ties into all that. Think about what goes on in heaven compared to how things are on earth. How close can we get? I don't really know, but I do know that we should be seeing more of the things of God in operation here on earth. I don't know about you, but I want everything that God has made available for me through Jesus. That isn't selfishness. It is about reaching potential and destiny in Christ that the Father desires for us. I'm not going to give you any more of my opinion on this. If you've read this blog for any length of time you have to have a pretty good idea by now as to how I'm wired anyway. All I wanted to share with you this time was the concept of using our "keys" to gaining access to kingdom things. Ponder that for as long as you would like.

I hope to talk to you before Christmas, but I really try not to write just for the sake of writing. I try to hear from God regarding what I write, so just in case......MERRY CHRISTMAS. I truly wish and pray that for you.

You wouldn't know this, but I've tried to close this out twice now and God won't let me do it. I've been sitting here asking Him why and I think I'm getting to the pulse of that. I believe that God is telling me that there are people who will be reading this in the coming days who are struggling with self esteem and self doubt for the first time in a long time.

If that is you...FIGHT ON.

You are in a spiritual battle right now. satan has lost ground that he wants to regain and he is trying to be stubborn. You need to stand firm in Christ. Set your face like flint upon the things that you know in your heart to be true. Do not let the devil alter your thinking. You are on the verge of spiritual breakthroughs and fresh understandings and anointing. Do not let satan rob you of this. Remember, you are created by God, loved by God and chosen by God. "Call on me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3) I'm thinking of a song that the late Rich Mullins used to sing in which he used to remind people that "You're on the verge of a miracle." Even as you're reading this, God is beginning to fill you with new strength and encouragement. The Holy Spirit is at YOU..............right now. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you!

Peace and goodwill,
Mark S.

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